There are also a variety of settings needed on these serial adapters to get them working right. you'll want a 20 pin to obc adapter and k+dcan USB adapter with an ftdi chipset (google) for older than 2001 model years. Older cars depend on years/model but many older cars use a variety of pinouts at the 20pin obc under the hood for more advanced things. Returns due to incompatibility will be subject to our returns policy.Most newer cars (2001+) can do evetything through the 16 pin obc using a k+dcan usb cable. If you have any questions do not hesitate to let us know. Please see product description and limitations before purchasing. You must also take into account the model year, chassis and the market where your vehicle is released in. You may need to research first to find out which software version will work for your vehicle.

If the software you acquired does not connect to your vehicle, chances are you have the incorrect or incompatible version, which is NOT indicative of a faulty cable per se. Again, support is limited for this item and only covers the hardware. The software links and guides provided are third party, so use these at your own risk. If you need newer versions of the software you can try to find it via external sources online. We do not provide any activation keys for the software as well. Installation and usage of free software and third party guides is at your own risk. As you are dealing with free, outdated and unsupported software, support will only be provided for the hardware (the cable). Note that OBD2 Australia will not be held liable for any damage this cable and sofware may cause to your computer or your vehicle. K-LINE (Far Left Position): Year 2001 – 2007.Software package for the above instructions here at Bimmergeeks. Please see here for a guide on how to install the software needed from Bimmergeeks. A quick google search with what you are trying to do and “INPA” in the term will let you know. – Activating new modules installed into your BMW. – Scanning all systems and checking/clearing faults. You can perform all the functions that a dealer can and these include things like: INPA is factory BMW diagnostics software that connects to all the systems and modules on BMW cars not just engine like generic scanners, it reads all BMW trouble codes and gives live diagnostics and data and GUI pages and test functions.